Shipping Info
Processing time
All items on this website are ready to ship and will be shipped in 1-3 business days, unless otherwise noted in the announcements.
Customs and import taxes
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We not responsible for delays due to customs. International orders can take anywhere from 7 to 45 days to arrive. If your order has not been received by 30 days, we will be happy to refund or resend your shipment.
Shipping Time
Items are shipped via USPS. Lighter items are shipped US First Class, and heavier items via USPS Ground. While we always try to ship our merchandise out as quickly as possible, we cannot guarantee any delivery dates due to USPS sometimes being unpredictable. If you need a faster delivery option and would be willing to pay the higher cost, contact me asap via email (
Shipping Costs
We have to charge shipping costs based on estimated prices. If we find that you have overpaid for shipping, we will refund you at time of shipment. We never want you to have to pay more than you have to.
In the case of an item that was stolen after delivery:
Please provide a delivery address for a secure delivery location. If in the event that your package is stolen, you will need to file a police report and a report with the postal inspector. We are not responsible for stolen packages; however, if you submit a copy of both filed reports, we will replace your items (when possible) at a discount.